Older Yet Wiser . . .?

Older Yet Wiser . . .?

The wise, old owl is a symbol of wisdom probably because he can see what is behind, beside, and before him. That ability to turn his head what seems like 360 degrees is a chiropractor’s’ dream. The owl can be circumspect more than any other creature because of this...
Playgrounds and Parks of our Childhood

Playgrounds and Parks of our Childhood

When a realtor starts to describe a neighborhood, he/she will begin with the three most important words: location, location, location. As part of the discussion about location invariably will be the pointing out of schools, shopping, and, of course, playgrounds and...
Holiday Traditions

Holiday Traditions

What a great concept! As Tevye said in the opening of Fiddler on the Roof: And how do we keep our balance?  I can tell you in one word: TRADITION. If I take the time to consider our traditions especially triggered by this holiday season, the words of the Papa ring...
Please Pass the Cherry Kijafa

Please Pass the Cherry Kijafa

I can still hear my dear Aunt Helen gleefully requesting a refill on Christmas Eve.  What a great time it was with the anticipation of Santa and the cool presents he was sure to bring.  This blog is meant to jog your memory as you reminisce about traditions you...
Geezerball Update

Geezerball Update

Geezerball played such a prominent role in writing Black and White Like You and Me.  So I’m sure you’re wondering …. what’s going on with geezerball? I’m happy to report that geezerball is alive and well and currently residing in...